EMPTY Without pretense empty Empty of striving empty of even gratitude Empty of trying empty of becoming Empty of I AM anything at all Empty of teaching of others and their stories and strivings Empty of time The seed has developed, blossomed And emptied itself The seed has done this over and over again Started anew Now empty No more rebirth No need to prove itself No need even to look to further remind itself how exhausting all that is after All Empty of The Special Empty of Service of being the One Who Serves Empty of the need to change and the need to rearrange the need to fix and to heal Empty of the need to exit the wheel What wheel Whose wheel Whose will and Who Cares Empty of anything to be other than IT IS. Unchanging, eternal Stillness Stillness sans identification no need for knowledge no need for states no need for renunciation no need for acquisition No need to figure it all out to understand to make sense No need for Beauty! or the need to be loving or the idea of compassion or the story of bodhisattva here to save all beings From the wheel What wheel? Whose wheel? and whose will anyway? Here we stand beads on a string jewels in the net glimmering, flickering emanations of Totality For this one, Eternal Moment without conditions expectations strivings to be or not to be The sweet purity of Life, It-Self.
Thank you to the hundreds of people around the globe who participated in the Solstice writing exercise, “An Invitation to Your Unknown Self.” Many people reported feeling lighter as a result. Some shared about feeling waves of grief and release. I also heard, “I was blown away by how many roles I’m playing.” A couple people told me they’re continually adding more roles, identifications, posturings, expectations of behavior to a notepad. They keep popping up, like Whac-A-Moles.
If you haven’t done the exercise, you may check it out here.
On Friday, December 20, I did the exercise myself, offering the pages to our woodstove. Next day, I awakened pre-dawn on the Winter Solstice and lit a single white candle. Then, I sat down by the fire to write the clearest words possible in that pristine energy. These words became “Empty.” I shared it with my non-dual spiritual community at our monthly satsang, hence I’m sharing the audio version with you all, too (above).
Thank you for reading and listening, and a blessed holiday to you, held in all the spacious Emptiness.
Erin Reese
Oh, gosh, this is so powerful. I can see a version of your memoir and/or teachings done entirely in poetry, a la Rumi. Love you, Erin.
The most eloquent creation and arrangement of words spiraling out and back into emptiness