Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus: Ground, Root, Center…and Hang On for the Ride
A particularly emotional lunation, we are at a fulcrum point where Death and New Life converge. Tears of joy, loss, and intensity are likely to flow, sometimes all at once.
This Friday, we have a Full Moon Eclipse in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, the Bull. This is a particularly emotional lunation as we are at a fulcrum point where Death and New Life converge. Tears of joy and tears of loss and tears of intensity are likely to flow, sometimes all at once. The energy is one of endings, of seeing clearly that which is moving out of our lives; however, it is also paradoxically a time of beginnings, as we welcome a brand new eighteen-month cycle of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses. The south node of the Moon will remain in Scorpio over the next year and a half, and the north node will remain in Taurus.
Imagine the south node as the tail of an animal – a long tail that both gives the animal its balance and grace and also marks the spot where waste leaves the creature. It’s the endings tale. We must eliminate – and have things lifted from our lives – in order to purify and ready ourselves to receive the new growth offered by Taurus.
We’ve been wrestling with a load of fixed sign energy of late, with the recent New Moon in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius and opposing Uranus in Taurus. Things that have not budged for a very long time are now being forced to morph. This is not your average “pivot,” people. This is Pleistocene-era, plate tectonic action. Fixed forces do not move easily or willy-nilly; they move begrudgingly and, like it or not, the whole planet moves along with it – the entire Collective.
With this week’s Full Moon eclipse in Taurus, we are in fixed territory once again. With Sun and Moon squaring Jupiter in Aquarius, the continuing Saturn-Uranus square, and Mars opposing Uranus currently, if you’re feeling crunched, you’re feeling accurately. Whatever’s coming in to rile up your root system right now, know that it’s right on time, even if it’s drastically uncomfortable. It is, in a word, necessary.
Ground, Root, and Center
Always, and particularly of importance in times like these, it’s vital to ground, root, and center. This is primarily an inside job. Are you feeling shaken up, out-of-body, distracted or disoriented? Take a moment to stop, drop in and down energetically. Even 30 seconds, even 3 seconds, will do. You must drop your energy into Mother Earth in order to stop the spin-out. There’s a great quote from Rudyard Kipling’s 1895 poem, “If,” that is pertinent here: “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…” That’s about the size of it right now.
This Full Moon eclipse is heralding and spotlighting some arena of life that will call for more of your attention all through 2022 and into 2023. With the new cycle of growth, we also see the simultaneous occurrence of decay, of death. An old part of your life, like the vestigial tail, is dropping off. You can trust this process; it is natural, necessary, and unavoidable. To resist it is to suffer.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same…
-Rudyard Kipling, “IF” (1895)
Preparing for the U.S. Pluto Return
With the upcoming Pluto return of the United States of America coming in 2022, most astrologers agree we are in for a wild show next year. Could it make the drama of 2020 look trivial in comparison? Perhaps. But what is most important is that you are in a place on the planet that you feel stable, that you feel secure, that you feel centered. Even though it’s a United States Pluto return, it will certainly affect much of the world stage, since the U.S. has its fingers in so many pots.
Shadows and secrets are going to be revealed at a phenomenal rate over the next few years. Who has been working behind the scenes, both for your best interest or against it? In order to not be completely thrown off center, it is best to do your own internal shadow work preemptively. Remember, always, that the collective shadow is a macrocosm of the individual, microcosmic shadow. Therefore, if you do your own personal work to face that which is denied, distasteful, or dysfunctional you will be much less affected when society is confronted with its shadow on a massive scale.
We are not separate. There will be many adjustments occurring multidimensionally and on the Earth plane to accommodate these shifting, evolutionary energies. Some of these forces will appear rather unpleasant, as its Pluto’s job to clean house and clear out the mucky-muck. If you are still hanging on to any “normalcy” narrative; if you’re clinging to “the way we were” or “the way it should be,” you’re in for a rough road ahead.
Bloom Where You’re Planted
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll be ready and unafraid of what’s to come. It is very important to ground, root, and center. For gypsy folk or ephemeral types who like to move around and be mutable in terms of location, it’s a time to consider landing. (There are some people who will be transient and move about for the next year or two – wandering sadhus and mercurial messenger types – but that’s a small group; if that’s you, you’ll be at total peace with a transitory nature.)
If you’ve been wondering where or when to settle down and make a home, now is a good time.
Most of you reading this are already in the location on the planet that you need to be in, or you are in the process of transitioning. If not, it will be likely within the next two to three months. It’s vital to ground and commune with the land and elements wherever you are, even if that means a bush in your backyard or a weed coming up from the sidewalk crack. Communing with the land is what Taurus calls for – the land will hold you as you continue to witness, and listen to, the land.
Three questions to help you see if you’re in the right place, whether in the middle of rural nowhere or in the thick of a huge city:
1. Can you sleep well in the place?
2. Can you do something to eliminate or detox 5G or EMF (water element, environmental harmonizers, purifiers, etc.)?
3. Can you relax your root (your tailbone, sex organs, perineum, pelvis, sacrum, hips) into the earth energy of the home? Can you drop down and merge and ground?
If you can answer yes to these questions, no matter what is swirling and whirling around you, there’s a good chance you can relax and rest where you are. My spiritual teacher, Ramesh Balsekar, and his guru Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj lived their whole lives in the heart of the Mumbai, India megalopolis, immersed in varying degrees of squalor and all sorts of noise and air and other pollution, 24/7.
One doesn’t need to be in the middle of rural nowhere to connect to the Ground; if you take time to listen, you will know if you are in a place that supports Consciousness, and your root. That’s the place to land. This is the message of the full moon lunar eclipse in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Bloom where you’re planted… and hang on for the ride.
ahhhh....thank you so very much, dear Erin! loooove just hearing the words ground, root, center. my nervous system relaxes hearing this. thank you for listening so deeply and being the messenger for us during these times. holy holy WOWOW!! seriously WHAT A RIDE is exactly, Jennifer...huh?!?! going to have a phone conversation this afternoon with another sister about this article. it is landing. it is sinking in. i will continue to reflect on. the root, the root, the root. earth. earth. earth. mmhmm. thank you so much again, Erin, for being a voice, a scribe for the anchoring lighthouse in the storm wisdom. i love you.
Such an amazing article. Making me think about a few things, but also validating what I'm feeling. Seriously....what a ride!