Full Moon in Libra: (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding
Libra is typically associated with pleasant words like peace, balance, and fairness. Is this what we have in store?
This Saturday, we welcome a Full Moon in the cardinal air sign of Libra, the Scales of Justice. Libra is typically associated with pleasant words like peace, balance, and fairness; partnership, marriage, and harmony; beauty, bonding, and social graces. Just lovely – what a fabulous foray into spring!
Alas, a closer look into the subtleties of this Full Moon chart reveals we aren’t out of the Aries inferno quite yet, with holdovers of the recent April 1st New Moon tight conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer. As much as Libra Moon craves balance and harmony, we may not be celebrating a peacetime treaty at this lunation. To be honest, it is more likely that contrast, conflict, and challenge are highlighted in the collective consciousness over the next couple of weeks.
Gimme Some Libra Lovin’ . . . Maybe?
Well, my head's all splinting and I'm floating to sound
Too much has happened 'cause you're around
It's been a hard day, I don't know what to do
I'm gonna relax like everybody shouldGimme Some Lovin’ – Steve Winwood & The Spencer Davis Group, 1966
Certainly, peace is an inside job. No matter what is playing out on the world stage, we have our individual homework to do. To cultivate peace, many of us find solace in the balancing benefits of meditation, prayer, yoga; for others, it’s time in nature, with animals, with children. Libra loves dance, artwork and creativity; play and whimsy and comedy help keep our spirits light. Some of us are nourished by our partnership or marriage; others are happiest alone and in union with the Self. Many of us benefit from a therapeutic relationship where we can heal our attachment wounds and focus on our development; counseling and all one-to-one scenarios of self and other are highlighted by Libra. These are all wonderful aids to inner harmony and balance.
When the external world is in a tither, to say the least, we need to pull our energy in and down, grounding ourselves. Taking care of our nervous systems with proper rest, exercise, herbs and supplements, and dietary choices, we do our best. Such resources assist us in building resilience, inner calm, and spiritual strength – all needed right now as martially-inclined Aries energies are really roiling.
The Libra Full Moon is shining her brightest light on an Aries Sun that is particularly volatile right now, calling everything outdated or misaligned into question. The fiery, head-first/me-first, Mars-ruled god of war is collaborating closely with two goddess archetypes that are no strangers to conflict; in fact, these goddesses may even provoke or exacerbate disagreements, arguments, volatile uprisings and clashes of Titans. These two goddesses are exactly conjunct in Aries, close to the Sun, at this full moon: Eris, dwarf planet of discord and strife, and Pallas-Athena, asteroid goddess of wisdom and justice - and war – all rolled into one.
Therefore, while I’d love to say that we are in for an April culmination of warm fuzzies and bunnies and rainbows, with everything as magically delicious and sweet as a kid’s cereal commercial from the 1970’s – well, I see more of a fulmination. Collectively, more purging of shadow is likely to emerge. By purging, I mean that Eris is rolling her golden apple of discord into the Mount Olympus fray to test the integrity and authenticity of our lives. Eris is arm and arm with the goddess Pallas Athena, calling us to task to adhere to a higher law of true wisdom that is beyond accommodating egos or making ourselves or others feel good to maintain peace.
Sidling up to Sun in Aries right now, these two warrior goddesses mean business. They are not going to back down to give us false props, pacify our personalities, or otherwise let us off the integrity hook.
Clear Seeing Raises Consciousness
If you are conflict-avoidant, or have passive-aggressive tendencies, now is a good time to have a heart to heart with yourself to see if you’re ready to drop an outdated coping mechanism. This will benefit everyone, collectively. Remember: as within, as without.
The clearer and more honest (Libra) and more direct (Aries) we are with ourselves and others, the more intimate we are with our true needs; the more right-sized and in alignment with our selves, the less conflict we will likely experience externally, as projection. The less we lie to ourselves and others, directly or indirectly, the less likely we will externalize and witness entire global hemispheres, political factions, and other polarized camps tearing out each other’s flesh.
This is big work, yes. It can’t be done overnight, and it may require outside help; yet, it can have immediate benefits when one starts to apply it to one’s own life – at home, in a relationship, in a lifestyle. And slowly, we may start to see consciousness raised to a new frequency – a frequency not polluted with denial, false accommodation, and obfuscation of the true self by the sneaky manipulations of the ego, individually and collectively.
If conflict arises when one is speaking truth – clarifying what is not working and standing tall without forcing demands or manipulating others – then, no problem! It’s a good thing, i.e. necessary, from time to time. Imagine that – conflict as a good thing. A kerfuffle as a good thing. A shout as a good thing. A breakup as a good thing. A severance as a good thing. Change. . . as a good thing.
Barn's burnt down --
I can see the moon.~ Mizuta Masahide (1657–1723)
Remember, Libra rules the Seventh House of partnership, marriage, us-ness, and . . . open enemies. Removing the immediate afront to the notion of “enemies,” we can see them as ideas, concepts, people, places and situations that are not aligned with us. Where it doesn’t jibe. Where we have a big, fat NO; a hard pass. When we remove the unhealthy bias toward being nice (versus kind and fair), and people-pleasing, we step into Pallas-Athena’s Olympic treasure trove of gifts: the gifts of discernment and wisdom.
Utilizing Libra’s scales of Justice skillfully requires clarity, clear seeing. Where are things out of alignment, not working? Where are we going against our authentic nature? When is it time to move on? These questions point us to living with embodied integrity - and the true meaning of balance.
Pluto’s Shadow Show Continues
And you hunger for the time
Time to heal, 'desire' time
And your earth moves beneath your own dream landscape.~ A Sort of Homecoming, Bono (U2), 1984
This cardinal Full Moon in Libra is also tightly squaring our old friend of the underworld, Pluto-Hades still in Capricorn. Remember 2020-2021 and all that came down the pandemic pipeline? (How could we ever forget?) Some of the authoritarian measures that have been institutionalized (in the name of being helpful yet some would say overstepping appropriate limits of control), could rear their heads again over the next weeks or months.
We could see a clampdown in policies that forces us to reexamine the push for a globalization approach to pandemics. We may start to witness how well-intended treaties such as NATO have truly affected humanity, for better or for worse. Some of us are just now waking up to the real costs of policies and measures implemented. Perhaps we will feel or understand or experience more of the collective damages incurred as a result of international versus regional focuses on viruses and war. Perhaps we’ll never know the entire truth regarding political or monetary motives for decisions made and being made now. Pluto in Capricorn points to shadows of power and politics that continue to be unearthed, though it is tremendously murky for the time being.
We do know that when it comes to the amplified presence of these bad-ass warrior goddesses, Eris and Pallas-Athena, at the helm during this Full Moon, we can rest assured that cosmic justice and higher integrity will prevail. We never have to worry or wonder whether the scales will come back into balance. It is the law of the universe.

“Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake; she protects the balance of life.” ~ Neytiri, Avatar (2009)
You can listen to all of my article songs on my Spotify Substack playlist here:
As always, such a pleasurable read Erin! The energy is more intense than it has been lately...for me.
Thankyou!!!! Such great medicine that you bring into the forefront of consciousness and to top it off your beautiful smile at the end. Can I ask, are those rowen or madrona berry beads that your wearing?