Full Moon in Pisces: The Importance of Cleaning Streams of Consciousness Now
Everyone needs Pisces right now – watery qualities that can assist us in clearing outdated consciousness. We need a collective Stream Cleaning. Plus, the Pluto Return of the United States of America.
This week, we welcome the Full Moon in the mutable water sign of Pisces, the Fishes. This is a dreamy, emotional, and spiritually rich lunation, potentized by the conjunction with Neptune, natural ruler of Pisces. At this time, the calcified identification with the ego can be cracked, seen through, dissolved. This can help us relax and make necessary changes that are in alignment with the up-to-date human being we are today, not based on some past or future picture.
I am confident that most of you reading this are already feeling the waves of healing available right now. Arrival to this Harvest Moon is like coming up on a cool drink of water after a scorching hot day in the desert sun. Everyone needs Pisces right now – the soothing, cleansing, flowing qualities that can assist us in clearing that which is outdated consciousness. In short, we need a collective Stream Cleaning.
Stream Cleaning
Pisces, represented by the non-dual Fishes, points to the importance of clear waters. This is a time we need to feel our emotional bodies come into balance. We need to cry our tears, feel our feelings, and move old, stale memories out of our field. Receiving energy-based bodywork from a skilled practitioner right now can be extremely helpful. Think craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, network chiropractic, reiki, auric healing, shamanic soul retrieval and the like.
Just like a drain in your kitchen sink or bathtub gets clogged up and gooped up, so do our energetic fields. We can use our home health tools – smudging, selenite and other crystals and salts, showers, essential oils, yoga, breathwork, meditation, chi gung, sound healing, et al – to practice excellent self-care of our energy bodies; yet sometimes, it’s important to receive another’s help to move out the big blocks of stagnant debris in our psychospiritual bodies. It might take some time to find a new practitioner in your area (try to find someone in person!), but you will. I’ve found that if you set a clear intention to meet this person, pray about it, and let your fingers do the walking, you’ll be led to the right healer.
Closing Leaks
It is also very important right now to close up any leaks in your energy field. There are portals in our aura that allow for energies to flow in and to flow out. This can be healthy, but some of these portals are leaks, and need to be closed, firmly and clearly. We need protection and we also need to be aware of vampiric forces that try to feed off of essential life force.
Recently, I was given a clear picture from my guides about our beautiful Universe, powered by Love. Sophia, the Divine Feminine, showed me that our Universe needs to be protected from nefarious, divisive, fear-based energies. It is the same on the Universal scale as it is on the global, personal and societal scales.
How do we close a portal? First, protect your energy field. You can use mantras, visualizations, malas, prayers, songs – any tools that appeal to you. Second, good boundaries are essential; recognize when someone is leaching your energy, or an environment is draining. Close the leak. Leave the situation, relationship, or conversation immediately or as soon as possible. Don’t waste any time. People-pleasing, approval-seeking, and old, codependent, caretaking patterns are extremely detrimental to our energy fields. Get assistance and mentorship where it is needed to help you with this if needed.
A huge area of energy leaks is through electronic media, phones, devices, news, social media, and technology. Unsubscribe or unfollow draining or triggering feeds without a second thought. You will start to find delight in the power of opting out. Clean up your stream! This goes along with checking the amount of time you spend online, watching Netflix shows, YouTube, apps, and the like.
Ask yourself, honestly: is this app, person, movie, show, stream, feed contributing to the highest vibration of my life force? Or do I feel anxious, keyed up in a stress-filled fashion afterward? What is the quality of my sleep after watching a show or movie? How do I feel if I read a bunch of news right before sleep or upon awakening?
Protect your energy field and close any leaks. It’s vital, and it’s also one of the single most important things you can do on an individual scale that will assist the rest of humanity in our collective evolution!
Making Space for New Streams
We are in an energetic time right now of preparing for a long winter, literally and figuratively. Essentially, we are moving into a longer period of preparation for a deep evolutionary shift of the collective psyche of humanity. Much internal work will occur over the next six months, and we need to be ready. It’s not going to be your average winter. We will need super strong immune systems, spiritually and mentally and physically. So get ready ahead of time, and don’t wait.
Many individuals are now called to a planned period of rest, longer than an average vacation, wherein one’s entire energetic structure has a chance to replenish and ready for delivery of something completely new in 2022. Some of us will take this month or two of “downtime” before the end of 2021; others will plan for a longer reprieve during the first half of next year. If this is you, it is vital to start downshifting your external commitments now. Healers and sensitives and empaths cannot continue to stress bodies, minds and hearts without experiencing deeper levels of depletion and inner conflict.
Everyone who can work less, needs to work less. Figure out a way to work less hours a week. If your job or a project feels like drudgery, rather than an easeful, creative expression of your essential self, then it’s probably a sign you’re (1) doing too much, (2) in the wrong job, and/or (3) need to push pause entirely on some area of your life.
If at all possible, take a longer break sometime within the next half year. A tremendous amount of new energy and information is going to be downloaded to us as an evolving, conscious species, and we need spaciousness to receive the miracles. Be aware that a New Vision wants to be birthed, and we need to be ready. One’s spiritual life cannot take a backseat these days; it must be front and center on the inner planes of existence. Your intuition will lead you. In fact, hearing your intuition clearly is vital and this is one reason we need more spaciousness in our lives – so we can hear what is coming next and what is needed. Keep your vibes high.
If you’re saying to yourself, there’s no way I can reduce my hours or take a break from my job, I understand – it’s not the right time for you, and I respect that. You can, however, practice inner breaks, by working less intensely and easing up on expectations of self and others. See if you can make work more like “play.”
The United States’ Pluto Return: The National Existential Crisis
The United States of America is in the middle of its Pluto return, which will be exact during February, July, and December 2022 at 27 degrees Capricorn. This is the point Pluto returns to after 246 years, which is why a nation can experience a Pluto return but not an individual human. This is a major existential moment, crisis, opportunity for the U.S. (as if you weren’t aware this was occurring), one that could go any which way necessary for evolution of consciousness; the country could go belly-up, or this could herald a phoenix’s glorious rise from the ashes. Right now, we don’t know exactly how it’s going to look. Some astrologers feel we are almost done with this transit and we’re already seeing glimpses of Pluto’s shift into Aquarius; others (and I’m in this group) feel we are entering another wave of plunging, purging, and cleaning which requires honest seeing of shadow on the deepest levels.
Surely the U.S.’s shifts will impact the interconnected globe, too, so no matter where one lives, we will all sense and experience the changes. Hence, the collective work on the individual psyche is critical. If I’ve learned anything over the past 30 years of astrological study, it’s that you can’t argue with a Pluto transit. One must “live through it.” While we can’t control what’s going to happen, we can do our very best to prepare internally – emotionally and spiritually, supported by the physical and mental. It will make the major collective surgery that much easier to witness and ride through.
Where do you need to be in order to thrive during this time? On inner ground spiritually. Ultimately, be able to stand where there is no ground, i.e. firmly seated in the Self, the Ground of Being. Prepare for the personal, national, societal shifts by tidying up your inner world and cleaning your streams today. In this way, we will not only survive, we can collectively thrive.