Full Moon in Sagittarius: Extra for the Wild Ones
Sagittarius’ largesse on this Super Moon asks us to return to wonder and celebrate our free spirits and spirited lives. Who cares what others think?
This Tuesday, we welcome a Full Moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, the truth-seeking and truth-telling Archer. It is vital to respect and understand the foot-in-mouth quality of the half-horsey one. Sometimes, the dedication to speaking the truth seems over the top – to others. To Sagittarius, it is a way to relish and honor Existence itself, to joyfully suck the marrow out of Life. To be blunt, forthright, über-honest and extra. If the Jupiter-ruled vibe seems a little much to others, well, perhaps they need to get a little more comfortable with their own majesty.
Saying what you think without fear of anyone…is a real responsibility and one for poets to face up to.
~ Gary Snyder
Majesty! Sagittarius is, as I mentioned, ruled by Jupiter aka Zeus. The ruler of Olympians! The Titan who overthrew his father Saturn-Kronos and established a dynasty of gods and goddesses! Jupiter loves large, eats large, wars large, and plays large. Can you imagine how incredible life can be when the shadow side of this majesty is processed and digested, leaving behind a bundle of fun, generosity, and raw, magnanimous power? Right on time for summer, I’d say.
So I'm laughing lighthearted moods, oh, the sight-seeing afternoons
And tellin' a joke or two 'cause everyday invites you
To find your place in the sun“A Place in the Sun,” Pablo Cruise (1977)
When Sagittarius rules the roost, you can expect grand declarations and demonstrations of big energy. Keep in mind: grand Sagittarius energy in its pure, healthy form is not meant to harm or to hurt, it’s meant to awaken humanity to higher, deeper truths. Sagittarius rules the Ninth House of a horoscope, the house of Natural Law. This law trumps societal norms, government and human ideas every time. It is aligned with universal principles and is aligned with nature Herself. It is trustworthy and filled with integrity.
See if you can notice the difference between the resonance in the unfolding of natural law versus an imposed judgement of human law. You will be able to tell the difference because your solar plexus will be relaxed when it is in alignment with natural law. Human law is based on culture and civilization, which isn’t necessarily an expression of higher consciousness. It may seem to make sense from a rational point of view, but it won’t sit quite right in the heart or gut. It is important to make this distinction as the collective energies are volatile (see Aries activity on steroids below) and if one isn’t careful, it will be easy to lose sight of what is good and true and healthy for us as individuals.
The Heat in the Kitchen
Sensitive ones may have a hard time these days. Some of the actions and statements coming out of people’s mouths or keyboards are rough and tumble, and sharp! Mars the Warrior and Chiron the Wounded Healer are exactly conjunct at this Full Moon in the inflammatory sign of Aries, the Ram. OId wounds are up, up, up – and Mars in his home fire sign is, like, deliberately adding salt in the wounds and rubbing it in. Egos and past hurts are exposed, like raw nerves. Chiron in Aries points us to revisit issues of self-identity and belonging, whether in a family, a society, a group, a community, a nation.
Mars in Aries eggs on the argument, whether with others or within oneself. Conflict. It is not necessarily a bad thing, remember. It can show us what needs to transform, to evolve. How else would we know, unless something gets so uncomfortable that we have to set a boundary, to leave, to speak up, to mature, to grow, to change. Yes, we take care of the softer parts, the vulnerable inner child; yet, at a certain point, we must buck up and do the heavy lifting of a courageous, actualizing adult. We gotta do, or say, that which is absolutely necessary, even if desperately uncomfortable, scary, unpopular.
Jupiter, Sagittarius’ expansive ruler, is also in Aries this year, pouring gasoline on Mars’ and Chiron’s teachings. With all this heat and fire and potential conflict in the soup at this Full Moon, how does one find relief? The answer lies in expressing, moving, using the body and liberating its life force through freedom.

The Moon’s transiting South Node in Scorpio continues to unearth all the old past goo to be released out of the system. Pain, victimhood, codependence, family drama, emotional murkiness – it’s all being cleared out to make room for that which you truly value (Taurus North Node). The gunk is exiting the building so you can know your true worth. So you can grow and have healthier roots, and clean relationships.
If a group of people are making your life unhappy, if a person is continually projecting emotional imbalance and recklessness, the onus is on YOU to make a change. Set a boundary. Leave. Stop engaging. It’s not up to them to change. It is up to you. Cut the cords, detach, grieve and move on. Get outside and play. Go be wild.
Well, I'm just out of school
Like a real, real cool
Gotta dance like a fool
Got the message that
I've gotta be a wild one
Oh yeah, I'm a wild one~ “Real Wild Child (Wild One),” Johnny O’Keefe (1958) and Iggy Pop (1986)
The Embodied Wild
[Be] lean, compassionate, and virtually ferocious, living in the self-disciplined elegance of ‘wild mind.’
~ Gary Snyder, A Place in Space (1995)
In celebration of our earthy bodies, we look to Venus’ recent ingress into the grounded sensuality of Taurus, the Bull, where the goddess of love, pleasure, art, and relationship is exalted and beside herself with joy. Venus is currently closely conjunct the North Node in Taurus, our collective “true north,” as well as Uranus (awakening and Kundalini evolutionary force) and Pallas Athena (wisdom). The Taurean-Venusian “cure” for our emotional and mental woes is fully embraced embodiment. Feeling ourselves. Loving the sensual. Food, nature, smells of early summer, and bodily pleasures. It’s time to play in the woods, to dance, to sing, to enjoy; to smooch, hug, and love ourselves and others up. We are animals, and we need the depth and connection to the roots of our planet. Get our hands dirty, our toes in the mud, our skin in the sunshine. As the oft quoted Mary Oliver line reminds us, “You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”
So, take the nod of hedonistic Sagittarius and get back to the wild side of your Self. Who cares what “those people” are talking about, what they believe, what they say on the news or social media. Really, who @#$%! cares? At the end of the day, you can go out to a garden, a park, a river, a forest, and laugh with the elements. Get off the computer, turn off the phone. Dance with the poplars and cottonwoods. Splash naked in a creek. Let it all go.
The world is nature, and in the long run inevitably wild, because the wild, as the process and essence of nature, is also an ordering of impermanence.
~ Gary Snyder
At this time of the Full Moon, we are invited to reenter the practice of the wild. The wild, the woolly, the wily. At times the messy, the excessive, and at other times, the simple and the ordinary. Wild, according to poet Gary Snyder, is a process, not a noun. We wild. We share our life force energies. We live wholly and completely. We are not separate from nature. There is no need to edit ourselves, to hold ourselves back, to limit ourselves when we simply have to thrive. It is our duty to express, to shine, to be big. Free yourself, and celebrate your wild, badass, spirited life.

Free the people now, (do it, do it, do it, do it)
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now~ John Lennon, “Bring on the Lucie (Freda People)” (Mind Games, 1973)
You can listen to all of my article songs on my Spotify Substack playlist here:
I was directed to your site from the NAAS platform. What a refreshing version of astrology you offer here. Love the vitality and depth and psychological insight. Are you also on YouTube or any other site?
Hi Erin--Enjoyed your article! And enjoyed the connection we share through NAAS's Tues evening natural health meetings! Love your songs, too--gosh, I never heard this John Lennon song before, and it's wonderful! Thanks!