Hello dear readers:
I’m traveling and on a wonky schedule, yet I couldn’t go without offering up a few thoughts about the energetic influences floating around at this week’s Full Moon in Scorpio. I’ve included an audio version embedded in the below. Share and comment away! ~ ER
The fixed water sign of Scorpio is the archetype of major transformation, of death and rebirth, of metamorphosis. Take note of the meta in metamorphosis, pointing to comprehensive or transcendent.
What we are going through right now is a sort of pregnant pause, whether from exhaustion or anticipation. A massive intake of breath and awe at what we’ve been through collectively or individually, and all that has been taken from us or asked of us of late. We may behold a glimpse of awareness at what is coming next, and the life chapter changes on the way.
Two weeks ago, the total Aries solar eclipse took a LOT to get through. Most of us did not get through unscathed; sensitive folks may’ve felt particularly scratched, though almost everyone went through some sort of portal or experienced a sort of shock. For some, it was dramatic. It was all necessary, akin to a lance piercing a wound so that the unhealthy, outdated crud could be exposed and ooze out of the life. Even if one knows not to take it personally, it still took the strength and grace of a spiritual warrior to face the initiation.
Just as this effulgent April moon highlights a real burst of springtime and growth energy, it also shines a big old light on the fact that you have finished up a major cycle! You may have outright declared, “I QUIT.” Or you might’ve been let go or fired from a particular life role. Regardless of the mechanics, be grateful: you’re no longer in bondage to this or that nonsense, pattern, business, relationship dynamic, course, project.
Hopefully you’ve been paying attention to your natural cycles and there’s a clarity and rightness to this significant ending. Whether you’re skidding to a stop, making a crash landing, or smoothly sailing into port, be proud of yourself for the work you’ve done to arrive here. Give yourself credit for all you’ve learned, contributed, received, given, gained. Look at all that’s been sacrificed and surrendered. Yep, that’s the price of evolution.
The solar eclipse was a great ball ‘o fire that came through and energetically helped annihilate what was already dying. It also showed where the real healing is needed next.
Most everyone reading this will need far more time in quietude and nature, and more sleep. The self needs privacy and space to heal from the massive surgeries recently performed on the individual and collective psyche. Those cuts and alterations and extractions and stitches were absolutely necessary, but things are still very raw, vulnerable, and tender. Rushing forward into the next distraction may cause deep harm and is ill-advised; it is better to allow the movement to arise naturally, to be revealed, to be shown.
This week, the full moon in Scorpio says, everything is different now. You’re different. You have different needs, such as lifestyle, creative, existential, or relationship needs. You’re preparing to step into the next iteration of your life’s expression, your next stage. It absolutely won’t do to hold on to the old you. That person doesn’t exist anymore anyway. She or he is just a memory, a figment of imagination, and nostalgia won’t get you or anyone else very far. Attempting to operate as the way you were will only cause pain or confusion. Even if you have zero idea what’s coming on to the next scene, you have to be willing to slough off the old skin. Lose the vestigial tail. You’re evolving, there is no avoiding it.
Welcome to the meta-morphosis.
Finally got a chance to listen to this and my first reaction is lol! Crud coming out literally happened to me! Thanks a million for this. Straight to the point and clear as day.
Great pic of you, Erin at Temple Yoga! This piece really hit home with me. I began a new role this week and everything is the same, but I am definitely different....going into the same, lol. I feel the "old" me in the background and the tendencies still come up, but to act in the "old" breaks on its own, if that makes sense. The "new" is a bit clunky in action right now, but it will not stay unexpressed that is for sure! Thank you for taking the time to write this!