Hello friends,
For a limited time and subject to availability, I’m offering remote readings. I have a few spots available each week for spiritual and intuitive support by audio recording. This frees both of us up by not requiring us to be online at the same time; you can leave me your inquiry when the moment feels just right, and I in turn can respond to you when it is the perfect time to read the energies.
The cost of a reading is $150. If a sliding scale is needed, do let me know.
Interested? To check my availability for a reading, simply reply to this email, or contact me via my website.
Thank you, and I wish you a beautiful entry into spring!
How It Works: More Information
Send me a voice note – can be as long as you see fit to provide me with background and questions surrounding the subject matter(s). Can be sent via WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal apps. You can of course send an audio file via email or text, too.
Your inquiry can be general, covering certain themes or areas of life; your questions can also be specific, especially when it comes to decisions or directions you’re considering.
Note: What does not work for readings are “fortune telling” inquiries, such as: “When will I meet my soul mate.” “When will I get my dream job.” Readings are comprised of information received through Spirit, as well as your guides. It is meant to give you reflection on the journey, to show you what the energies are currently surrounding your situation. Readings will give you tips and pointers, guidance along the way. They are not to trivialize, declare your fate, or give you a false carrot dangling in front of your nose. More than anything, a reading with Erin will point you back to Reality, and to the deeper acceptance of what is Unfolding in the Now.
I will do your reading within 1-3 days of receipt. I will provide you with an audio reading file in return.
You are free to talk as long as you like in your inquiry message. So, it's a good idea to gather your questions and think about what you want to focus on, perhaps make some notes for yourself. Usually, the response from me, depending on your inquiry, is a 20 to 40 minutes audio recording.
Thank you, everyone. Your referrals are always appreciated!