
Kolkata's Flower Market 🌼

A colorful sight to behold from the Howrah Bridge. Plus, a few more pics.

Thank you for reading Erin Reese, M.S.. This post is public so feel free to share it.


Yesterday, Keith and I arrived early enough in Kolkata to witness this as we traversed the infamous Howrah Bridge.

It is forbidden to take photos of or on the Bridge itself (Google it for photos). But at the very end, descending on the opposite side at Mullik Ghat… the morning Flower Market was a lucky sight to catch!

We ourselves are TIRED as we wrap up a month long backpacking haul this week. (We haven't had anything but beds on boards since Varanasi.) A couple more treats in store before we head back to the West, including a luxury hotel in our future for the last few nights.

Thank. You. Goddess. I'll take it!

Here's us predawn, boarding our last train.

We're already experiencing (relative) cosmopolitan culture shock as we had ourselves a decent Italian meal yesterday here in this amazing city. I love Kolkata (mostly, like every place in India 😂); it's my fourth visit to this former capitol of the British Raj India.

This will be a good place to absorb the buffer before heading home.

Truly grateful for those of you who've remained with me in this alternative written journey. WOW.

And look who just came to see me at my guest house window while tapping this out: Cat on a Blue Tin Hot Roof! It's a sign…soon will be reunited with my Nala kitty.

Magic is everywhere.

Sending you all love and gratitude. Truly.

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