New Moon in Gemini: Feed the Alchemy
Swerving under a sky dominated by the mercurial ones. An imaginal offering.
Hi folks! It's been brought to my attention that the original post was blocked by a paywall - trickster move! So here's the redux, now free-for-all! I'd love to hear your impressions. See you in the comments. ❤️ ER
With four planets in mutable Gemini at this week’s new moon, we can only bow before the mysterious qualities of quicksilver and tricksters. Change changing places, may we accept and nourish the crucible we are in, collectively and personally.
Hermes gatekeeper
at the threshold
with your mercurial wit
sometimes sardonic
sometimes insulting
my intelligence
to draw me deeper in
toward a more up-to-date
of what is needed
O Janus, you two-faced God
don’t leave me at the doorway
laughing in liminal spaces
may I be so lucky to
receive your good graces
Mercurius the alchemist
bridge between life and death
companion en route to Hades
can I get an assist
o super powered changeling
I am in a crucible
of salts and sulphurs and sweets
what will you make of “me”
Here comes old man Coyote
a dash of heyoka medicine
to lighten things up
confusing or enlightening
Who knows? Who cares?
lest I’ll be caught
tragic, comedy of farce
perhaps it’s all a gig to
keep me distracted
like nitrous
laughing gas
while you sneak ‘round the back
to pull out a diseased molar
Howl away, old man
Howl away
so glad I can be
the butt of your joke
just make it a good one
Castor, Pollux
Cain, Abel
and those two terrifying girls
in The Shining
I’m unsure if we’re playing
or dying
Is this a pas de deux
cozy table for two
Or need I watch my back
Ah, now I see – you are me
My very own shadow
the real enemy
Projected outward is
a waste of time
I may as well
tilt at windmills
Surprise, surprise we find our
selves inflated
Time of Gemini
Get your play clothes on
scrape knees
fashion mud cakes
walk through looking glass
That one, staring at you
that Twin
in the mirror
she is me and you are he
and we are all together
Withdraw the projection
reunite with shadow
this is where the magic is
this is where the body is
created, the
The alchemical result of
unconscious made conscious
No longer “out there”
the other is
Keep eating
there’s plenty on the plate
lots of babies to be born
lots of fresh works in oven
Devour raw materials
of info
dog walks
cloud gazing
Sunday drives
scenic maps
photo stills
card games
and love notes
sealed with a kiss – SWAK!
even a Post-It will do
Eat it all up, consume from
smorgasbord of
mercurial alchemical inspo
You’ll see!
we’re knitting new bones
weaving new helixes
need new material
keep feeding the baby
we’re eating for two
You’ll see!
The word on the street is
The best deal in town is
The blue plate special is
One hell of a lunch
Here’s Gemini Alanis Morissette (b. June 1, 1974), exemplifying the quintessential both/and of the two-handed Twin with “Hand in Pocket.” Alanis was way ahead of her time - check out the HBO doc Jagged for a fantastic look at her process of writing Jagged Little Pill at the ripe old age of twenty. Inspo all the way.
And of course, I can’t resist “Quicksilver Girl” (1968) by The Steve Miller Band.
I am designing a Mercury themes t shirt so these words are especially important this week.
Wow, Erin...what more can be said? Your poetry mixes history and mystery with prose-like stability while blazing a trail of gold-blue fire through the imagination. I recently watched this interview that brings a similar message, so uncanny, said not quite so succinctly but fascinating none the less: