New Moon in Leo: Wake Up and Roar!
Waves of disruption, change, and power come tumblin’ down. It’s time to work with the tension, and party all the while. Shine that light bright!
Today, we welcome the New Moon in the fixed fire sign of Leo the Lion. This is a lunation, and a fortnight, that I and many astrologers have been anticipating, daresay looking forward to for many months. Some might say this is, astrologically, the most pivotal portal of 2022!
The New Moon herself is giving a big assist to the major activations of this period. The Lioness energy is helping us keep our hearts ignited and awakened through the Moon’s harmonious trine to Jupiter the Generous in fellow fire sign Aries. The Leo Sun, Moon, and Mercury-Hermes are all closely aligned, and joining the Leo dance party is the Great Mother asteroid, Ceres, also in Leo.
This conglomeration of leonine aspects proffers a feeling of festivities, festivals and fun, so long as we listen to and heed our individual hearts’ longings and modes of authentic self-expression. With this lovely Leo infusion, we are invited to ride the dragon of current events and party through the present permutations of the zombie apocalypse with smiles on our faces and ebullient joy. Self-generating JOY! – emanating and oozing from our cells out to the world for all to see and benefit from, like the Leo-ruler the Sun, shining eternally and nourishing our beings no end.
Yes, it’s partay-time, baby. Put on your strappy stilettos or your dancing Capezios or your kick-ass Doc Martens and strut like you own the place. It is truly a time of allowing your particular flavor of flash to come alive, to share your sparkle and sheen with everyone and everything, sans a care in the world as to whether anyone is offended or not. Leo wants people to notice.
Even if you’re keenly, overly aware that Rome is falling and it’s the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it due to crushing global or political debacles and tragedies, this summer is no time to hide your light under a bushel, no. In fact, it’s high time to turn on your love light, to turn up the heat on that 1,000-watt bulb of You-ness, Your High-ness.
I got you, moonlight, you're my starlight
I need you all night, come on, dance with me
I'm levitating~ Dua Lipa (Leo, b. August 22, 1995), “Levitating” (2020)
It’s Go Time! The Mars, Uranus, and North Node Conjunction
The global and galactic wave of evolution currently unfolding is like punctuated equilibrium, where seemingly out of nowhere, a new variety or feature appears in a living organism, or an entirely new species springs onto the scene seemingly suddenly, we are in for some surprises in the next couple of weeks. These freaky and potentially fun appearances on the scene are due to the convergence of three particularly charged elements joining forces this week.
Mars, yang planet of action, drive, conflict, and energy galore joins up with Uranus the Great Awakener, blower-upper, and enlightener. These two feisty activators conjoin the North Node, the directionality of our collective evolution and pointer to major consciousness development. All of this occurs in the sign of fixed earth Taurus, pointing to Great Change involving resources, money, stability, Mama Earth, and our relationship to worth, including self-worth and values and things we hold dear and non-negotiable.
There is nothing to fear about this hugely activated stellium of big hitters. Oh, wait, a caveat: wherever a person, or the collective, has been repressing shadow concerning survival – the fears of scarcity, lack, limitation; greed, hoarding, materialism; a life lived, or rather endured, bereft of soul, spirit, grace, and connection – well, that there’s the rub. Uranus and Mars and the North Node are definitely, absolutely, truly going to BRING IT up to the surface now. To be faced, examined, encountered in an embodied experience, thoroughly Taurean.
So, yes, nothing to fear. . . so long as you’ve been doing the inner work. So long as you’ve come to realize that your ego is not in charge. That all is unfolding by Grace. That the Divine is leading the show. That your needs are being met – completely, 100% - in present time. That scarcity and lack are mindsets borne of fear, primarily fear of the illusory future. The future that does not exist. For Nothing exists outside of this moment, and then the next appears and unfolds.
Therefore, continue to do your personal work. Face everything, in each and every moment arising. Whatever rises up on the personal or world stage is perfect for the greater evolution, and this includes any shocks to the system, symbolic or literal earthquakes, “accidents” or revelations that change the collective or individual perspective. . . forever.
Yes, a big week indeed. That is why you need to get your top hat, your dancing shoes, your rock-and-roll playlist or Broadway showtunes queued and ready at the helm. Because we need your light, your show, your pluck, your verve and vivacity now more than ever.
Show us what you got. And let the games begin.
Get a good seat, watching the dramas unfold and dancing all the while.
I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right. ~ P.T. Barnum
The Awakening Process
Did you know that all of this is necessary in the greater picture? The glaring obviousness of structures dissolving, collapsing right, left and center? So that you and me, and we, can awaken from the dream, the hypnosis, that “it’s all under control”? We get to see, as a virtual tribe of conscious, aware humans just how an entire history (thousands of years!) based on ego and separation is dysfunctional, destructive, distorted, horrific and hilarious!
It has been like this for epochs and eons. Yet, now the sheer hugeness of this shadowy insidiousness – amplified by a global pandemic that has united us no matter what narrative floats your boat; amplified by the blessing and curse of technology and the Internet which gives us a view to anywhere beyond our living room – it’s all clearly here to be seen! The Matrix is on display, whether you’re living in it or out of it.
The suffering endured and experienced is necessary as long as it lasts, whether personally or collectively – and it will not end a moment too soon or too late! – as it plays an inextricable role in the story of awakening.
So, meantime, glow! Celebrate! Party like it’s 1999, 2009, or 2099. Do a little dance, make a little love, and have a good time, cuz it’s alright.
Now listen to the beat
Kinda pat your feet
You've got soul and everybody knows
That it's all right, whoa, it's all right
~ Curtis Mayfield and The Impressions, “It’s All Right” (1963)
Fear, Control, and Flat-Out Resistance
Three little pouting kittens have lost their mittens, and their names are Fear, Control, and Resistance.
Yes, we now come to the challenging part of our Leo New Moon, to be expected with the building fixed grand cross forming between the Mars-Uranus-Node in Taurus, the Sun-Mercury-Moon in Leo, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and the South Node in Scorpio. This will continue to grow into August. As I’ve explained before, change and flexibility for fixed energies are exceedingly difficult, and resistance is the usual response.
Can you feel it in the air already? The shadow of Taurus can be bullish and blocking; the idealism and group-mind of Aquarius can be life-sucking. Combine that with the me-me-me of Leo, and the suffocation of Scorpio, all squared up, and you have a fixed sign grand cross emerging as a one tough cookie indeed.
So, I need to give a heads-up-slash-warning to our Leo Moon Play Date participants: Some folks – many, actually – are not going to like you shining your light all big and bright out there. Not one bit. Not only are they not going to like it, they are going to consciously or unconsciously try to squash it. Individuals, groups, organizations, and “leaders” who have not done their own deep digging, healing and shadow work will try to block your lionhearted self-expression and freedom.
“Don’t be too free.” “Don’t be too bright and radiant.” “Tone it down.” Yes, haters gonna hate. Fearers gonna fear, and try to control you.
It's all control stemming from fear. Fear of freedom, fear of that which is different, fear of healthy power. And, frankly, fear for themselves, of not being heard or seen or acknowledged.
Well, then. That’s OK. You know how to sidestep the doubters, the buzzkills, the naysayers. The first trick is to remember that the obstacle-maker is blocking you out of their own fear. Remember The Wizard of Oz? Hiding behind his curtain, feeling trapped, scared, and hopeless behind his mask, his façade of greatness? The obstacles that come at us this week and into August are stemming from deep-seated insecurities, yet we can use them to help us grow if we are skillful.
People, places, and situations that resist the You of You aren’t the end of the world. Look at them as opportunities to blossom and shine brighter. Sure, use your skills of listening, diplomacy, negotiation – these are all important. You may have to feed some of those demons, to let them know they too are valued elements of Consciousness (yes, even them). If you can work with the tension, like a martial artist, without adding more resistance, fear, and control in return, you’ll come out standing tall and satisfied. This takes skill, yes; yet, your awareness and willingness to show up healthily will prevail.
Think of it as the game it is, the lila of life. Don’t take it personally. The attempts to control you, to resist your light, beauty, creative self-expression – they are not personal. They’re ancient, shadowy, archetypal tendencies that have been playing out for millennia. Continue to do your inner work of cultivating courage and fearlessness, faith and wonder, and you’ll tap into the miraculous, perhaps even learning to love the ride a little more.
And, please take care of the physical body through this time. Rest, herbs and supplements, movement, dance, yoga; singing and stretching and breathing. Tension can otherwise pile up and create issues in the body. So move it, get into the groove with it.
During this time of the New Moon in Leo, amplified by the Mars-Uranus-Node conjunction, the heart is literally being activated! Leo rules the heart center, and Uranus and Mars bring the Kundalini Shakti to amplify the situation! Energy rippling through the system right now can feel like electrical energy, tingling, warmth. Kundalini moves through the body in waves or pushes, shocks and starts, called kriyas in yoga. This is also happening in the macro, global level.
It is all in service to awakening. Deepening our spiritual connection to the Ground of Being during these pulses or explosions is vital to the embodied awakening process. Say yes to lots of water, healthy salts and electrolytes, organic fruits and vegetables, sleep. . . and fully feeling the feelings. Remember, She is in charge; not the ego. Happily trust, and let Her move you through you and as you. And Listen to the Lion, centered on Her throne, in the Heart. But of course, true to royalty, it’s the best seat in the house.
And I shall search my soul
I shall search my very soul
And I shall search my very soul
I shall search my very soulFor the lion
For the lion
For the lion
For the lion
Inside of me
Oh, oh, yeah~ Van Morrison (Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in Leo), “Listen to the Lion” (1972)
You can listen to all of my article songs on my Spotify Substack playlist here:
... our spiritual connection to "the Ground of Being." I've read you saying this before. I would love to hear what that is loaded with for you, and what it means for you: Ground of Being.
once again ravished. this is so powerful! like the lioness we have in us. like the one you emanate when you write. ROAR! ❤️