New Moon in Sagittarius Podcast! “Eat, Pray, Love on Steroids”
My debut on StarSound Speaks with all the astro goodies coming this Sag Season! PLUS, the deep spiritual quest and what it's like to dive off the mystical cliff into India.
It's Sagittarius season! 🏹 Here I am on my debut appearance on StarSound Speaks podcast to discuss all the astro goodies coming up – watch on YouTube, or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
Host Irlianna Samsara says my books are like “Eat, Pray, Love on steroids.”
Ha! Get ready for a deep dive!
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Irlianna and I took some time to unpack the highlights of the exact chart of the November 23rd NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS – a fun and inspirational lunation, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus conjoining right on time before the American holiday of Thanksgiving. It’s time to light up the candles, warm up the cockles of your heart, and give thanks to Spirit and Grace for all our bounty.
I spoke about the grace and vision available to us at this time, with the New Moon’s trine to our current JUPITER-NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION in mystical, non-dual Pisces. In fact, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and is the ancient ruler of Pisces. His current alliance with Pisces’ transcendent ruler of Neptune, in their natural rulership, says to me that we are able to receive higher callings and support from unseen sources right now.
I love this New Moon! After the intensity of the Scorpio-Taurus eclipses, and the U.S. elections, and the media inundations concerning war and dis-ease and all the rest we’ve gone through in the last few years… well, I’m ready to get back on track with folks like yourself and stand in my role as a spiritual and travel muse for the good of all.
The Deep Spiritual Quest
In this podcast, Irlianna briefly mentions my own Sagittarius stellium influence. A stellium in a chart occurs when three or more planets are conjunct in a single sign. It’s an amplifier, to be sure. In my Aquarius Sun chart, I have Jupiter, Neptune and Mars tightly conjunct in early Sagittarius (conjunct this New Moon, in fact), as well as the Descendant and Venus also in Sagittarius. I also have a Ninth House Sun, the house of Sagittarius, long journeys, and epic spiritual seeking. This forms the crux of (1) why I had to go and live as a wanderer in India for five years; (2) why my soul was determined to find release from existential suffering; (3) why I was destined to meet a spiritual master and receive transmission and awakening of Consciousness through my travels and fortitude. All very Sag-like, if I do say so myself!
Irlianna Samsara is a creative and intuitive astrologer and fabulous interviewer, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to appear on her show. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our Sag conversation. And, please do Like, comment, and subscribe to her podcast!
You can also receive a reading from her here:
I truly hope you receive some inspiration from this talk! I’m knee-deep in edits for the third book in my India-spiritual-travel trilogy, and we also discuss this final book, Bindi Girl 2: Surrendering to the Soul of India, coming early 2023!
Enjoy, and may the grace of this New Moon be with us all.
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Absolutely wonderful, Erin, thank you. I read so much less than I used to...and I will order your books and share them here. Your journey echoes so with my own, although I haven't spent as much time in Inda. It took me so long--and exactly as long as it took--to drop the search and embrace life in this cosmic joke 😂
Thank you Erin! I love seeing you speak about your work.