Rest now.
Rest now, or pay dearly.
Rest, replenish and recover.
Rest, or bear consequences.
You’ve been working hard. Hard!
You’ve been showing up, building bridges,
taking responsibility, heeding the call.
Congratulate self! Give self credit
For the incredible faith you’ve had.
The courage to listen
To the trumpet sound
Coaxing you toward self evolution!
You’ve shown up! And angels’ glory
Can be heard on high.
The way in which
You’ve spoken up
Set boundaries
Asked for what you need
Told the truth
Taken risks
The way in which
You’ve put your maturity first
Growing up
Even and especially when
You don’t feel like it
The seeds you’ve planted and watered
Over the last months
What a winter!
What a way to receive what’s on
Offer – and
Respond to what has been asked
You’ve really shown up
And, there’s more
Yes, there’s more to
Build on, respond to, run
Toward, to excite you, to express –
- could be a poem
- could be a tome
- could be a love song
- could be a dream trip
- could be a new rendezvous
with that delicious enticement
Yes oh yes!
All of these goodies, all
of these stimulants, all of these
adventures, expressions, joyful
mountains to keep climbing
they’re all there! Ready
and waiting for YOU!
The summer fun and continued
Self expression
Just say le Word!
Bon mots
Life is pulsing, teeming
throbbing and attracting You
It’s so gooooooood.
There’s a caveat!
A caution to this tale of
and opportunity
Thing is: —>—>—> —> You’ve got to
Rest first.
or get sick
Rest first
or harm self
Rest first
or miss the miracle
Rest first
or break back, break bank
Rest first
lest gas tank leaks dry
goes empty
It’s the Big Taper.
sit, smell flowers
eat good food, watch bees
write, dream, speak, play
yes but
PACE self
weather good for reading book
lick wounds
Take the long view.

Love this -- the message flows like the waters of a powerful river: do or die, no...undo or die.
A great teacher once told me that total relaxation was the same as enlightenment!
My life is full of moments when I have chosen "die" but don't rest... Thankfully, there are "aspects of me" that are wiser than "me" so I am still alive... I am cheering for "them" to take over! This was the perfect reading for a very hot and sunny Friday evening! Here I come... 🌞