The Madness of the World
It’s always been this way
The search for peace
Is still a search
Participate, try if you must
If you are even so inclined
For those rare birds who are
Abiding Peace
Peace Abiding
There is the realization
You Are That Peace
Which you seek
Which you yell for, fight for
             Scream for
                            Meme for
You Are That Peace
Not every one will wake up in the
             Story Line
Not every appearance of individual
Has interest, inclination, orientation
             To eternal, abiding realization
             Of unconditional, unmoving
             Many are meant to flail.
                            To anguish
                                          To fight
                                                         To be involved
                                                                       Tis true
If you realize the Truth of
             The Self
This unwavering, abiding Peace
What can it give you
What can it do for you
What could be given to the drop of
                            The ego that is
             Already whole, complete,
                            Part of everything that
The ocean is wakening to itself
             The wake of the ocean
             Consciousness realizing its own
                            True nature.
And more musical accompaniment. . .
Thank you, Erin.