Happy Friday, everyone!
I recently attended a free talk by my colleague, Catherine Linard. Her spiritual guidance work is aligned with my own, with a slightly different flavor that may speak to you. Read a bit from Catherine below, and you’ll know if you feel drawn to listen.
SpiritTalks is a free, monthly event during which Catherine allows Divine Consciousness to speak directly through her, to share knowledge and answer questions about the nature of the Ego and the Soul.
This latest group discusses the nature of energy and emotions, the power of presence, and the tools to become and stay grounded, rooted, and centered for greater calm and clarity.
Catherine is a channel for Divine Consciousness. She works with individuals and groups to clear and align energies, and provide guidance and support for those wishing to deepen their spiritual connection and tune in to the wisdom of their Soul.
Listen to SpiritTalks on Divine Presence here.
If you dig the talk, I recommend reaching out and requesting to be added to Catherine’s email list, so you can be notified of the free monthly talks, live on Zoom. Please mention that you found her work through my Substack. Also, if you’re needing specific guidance, Catherine’s personal, business, and couples readings are excellent.
Enjoy the talk. I trust it will be helpful to many of you. I welcome your comments and feedback below!