Happy autumn, everyone!
I’m pleased to announce that my husband Keith will be teaching an Enneagram of Awakening course this fall-winter. I will be assisting and participating. For more information, click here:
The Enneagram of Awakening Course Information
Those with Enneagram familiarity who are interested in a deepening their spiritual understanding of this powerful tool, please contact me directly for more information.
With love,
Keith Heller has been a 30-year student of the Enneagram, working with it extensively in his personal and professional lives. He has spent a similar amount of time as a Zen Buddhist student, and several years in the Diamond Approach school, which works deeply with the Enneagram.
Erin Reese, M.S. will assist and participate in the course. Erin is a guide in the non-dual wisdom tradition and has been a student of the Enneagram for 15 years. She has completed the Narrative Enneagram training for Therapists, Coaches, and Counselors.