A special new year's crossroads report for all twelve signs.
Hi folks. I’m offering a special perk to Paid Subscribers - the complete transcript of the 2025 Sign-by-Sign Threshold Audio Forecast. It’s a way to say “Thanks!” as well as hopefully inspire a few more upgrades. If I get the feedback that readers dig written transcripts, I’ll offer them more often.
The audio version continues to be free and available to everyone. Happy New Year!
Boy, oh, boy do I have a surprise for you…
Happy New Moon! Today is December 30th Monday and it is a new moon today in the sign of Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth sign, and I've decided to offer you something truly special. Today we are on the crux of the New Year 2025. So, I'd like to kick us off as we're on this threshold by honoring the god Janus.
Janus is the Roman God of the threshold, the gateway, the doorway, the past, and the future. Looking back, looking forward, we’re on the crux of something new. We're about to enter the new calendar year. Now, obviously, Janus the god is what gives our month January its name. In India, the equivalent would be Ganesha. Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who is the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is also saluted to, honored, paid respects to before starting anything new. So, we're looking at beginnings and endings. Transitions, arches, doorways. We are at the threshold.
Now, you are going to love this. I'm actually going to do something that I haven’t done in quite a while. I'm going to go sign-by-sign to see exactly what you need to contemplate, consider, reflect upon before we get started into the new year. This is not going to be an entire 2025 forecast. It is a gateway reading. It is the symbol or symbols – things that you need to be considering as we start this new calendar year.
Now normally we start with new beginnings in the sign of Aries in the springtime, when the seed has pierced the ground and is coming up for new growth. But don't forget that the new beginnings really do start very, very deep inside the earth. We are in the depth of winter in this cardinal earth sign. Everything is cold and empty and barren, at least in the northern hemisphere. And it's very quiet. Yet, remember that there are things brewing, mulching, gathering under the soil in the cold, in the dark. Don't forget the creepy crawlies underneath the earth, the rhizomes, the fungus, the network of information, the mushrooms that live underneath. This is what Capricorn time is really about. In the absence of light, we go inward, we reflect, we look with our inner eye, our inner heart, our quiet heart, and see what's there in our deepest self. Stripped bare of all the accoutrements, the bells and whistles.
As I go sign-by-sign to give you this new year, new beginning threshold reading, I want to remind you to listen to your sun sign, your moon sign, and your rising sign if you know it. You can easily find this online by looking at or Check it out. Look at your free chart.
A quick way to think about it is that your sun sign, that you are most familiar with, gives you your life force essence. If you look at your moon sign, that is your emotional body, your heart, and what it is asking for, and if you listen to your rising sign, that is your persona, your personality, the first step forward that you take in the outer world. All three have their value.
Also, if you like this, if you like this format, please do let me know in the comments; if I hear a critical mass response from all of you, I'll do this more often. I'll do a quarterly forecast, or something like that. I haven't done it in a while. I used to do it more often. And because I'm a creative person, I get bored with doing the same old, same old, giving you the collective play by play, looking at all of the aspects and channeling all of that. I wanted to give you a special treat.
Of course, I'm considering some of the aspects that are going into this new moon. For example, we have a mutable T square occurring right now between Saturn and Pisces squaring Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn is also squaring Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius. That's influencing our themes at the moment. But the main one is that Chiron, the wounded healer in the sign of Aries, just turned direct yesterday, December 29th. Chiron in Aries is about healing our identity wound, who we are at our most authentic, most essential self’s core expression.
Ultimately, as we know, and which I will be talking about in the satsang that I'm offering on New Year's Day (you can read more about that on my website and RSVP if you'd like to come) - ultimately, we are all Life. We are all the Totality, but we are playing a part in this lifetime. This is our identity, and Chiron turning direct is giving us the opportunity to heal some of that right now. So that's another reason why I wanted to do this sign-by-sign play at the moment when we're at this threshold.
I'm considering these astrological aspects, and I am also using the 78-card Universal Waite Tarot deck. I've been reading Tarot since I was 17 and as most of you know, the tarot overlaps tremendously with astrology. If you look at a traditional Tarot deck, the symbols of astrology are all over the place in the cards.
One last bit of housekeeping: please do share this post with your friends, your partners, your bosses, your aunts, your uncles, your children. Share it with others, Like, Comment, Subscribe. I really appreciate it. I'm paying it forward by offering this to you. And that's something that you can do to help spread the word.
All right, let's get started.
Of course, we're going to start with Aries. I thought long and hard about it. Should I start with Capricorn since we’re on the new Moon in Capricorn? But no, Aries needs to be first. Let’s get going.
OK, Aries, you cardinal fire sign Ram. These are the dates typically from March 21st until April 19th. Keep in mind that all of these dates can vary up to a day or so on either side, depending on the time zone and the year, so that is why, if you are a cusp person, you definitely want to make sure you look at your chart. So Aries, cardinal fire sign. Here we are at the cusp of the new year. At this threshold, what I see for you Aries is that it's time for you to lay down your arms. I know, Aries is a warrior, but it's time for you to lay down your arms. Let go of the wounds of the past, the struggles that you've had from 2024. It's time to move on. There is a phrase that might be helpful to you: How important is it? It's probably not that important.
You can be quite scathing in your approaches. That's sometimes useful for you when it comes to decision making or a need for impulsiveness or needing to move forward quickly or stand up for yourself. But sometimes you fight battles that aren't really your own. You know what I'm talking about.