Today we are on the crux of a wild storm brewing here in the mountains! Weather is such a wonderful pointer - no control, baby. How peaceful is the "I of I," in and as the eye of the hurricane. None of this is personal! Enjoy the movie! 🍿
Remember, when we take the movie personally, we are less empowered. When we forget that we are the Absolute Potential and Power Itself, we step into the hell of simultaneous martyrdom and hubris. We feel we are victims of fate, and we also feel we should be able to have it differently. As one of my first mentors taught, "It's not Burger King. You can't have it your way."
Ah, the sweet ego.
It is the ego that suffers, it is the ego that awakens.
It is the ego that seeks, it is the ego that stops.
May you enjoy the ride today, no matter what. Even in the midst of incredible turmoil or confusion, remember:
You are That - the Unmoving, Eternal Self. Remember THAT, and sit back, relax, pop the popcorn, and enjoy the show.
Sunday satsangs, 9am Pacific: If you would like to attend a non-dual talk, RSVP here.