Satsang with Erin
Besides being a writer, archetypal astrologer, and intuitive, I’m also a guide and teacher of the wisdom of non-duality, or Advaita (Sanskrit: “not two”). These teachings were given to me by Ramesh Balsekar, an awakened sage in Mumbai, India. Ramesh himself was a disciple of the realized master Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (I Am That).
“Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it.” - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Since 2016, I’ve sat with students and seekers via Zoom meetings and in-person retreats. My primary aim is to point to the Absolute Consciousness, or That which does not come and go, and potentially offer relief from existential suffering.
Join us for Satsang with Erin Reese. Teachings of Non-Duality with Intuitive Transmission. Embodied Liberation, Freedom from Suffering, Living Spontaneously, and Unconditional Peace.
SATURDAY, 9am to 10:30am Pacific
December 21, 2024 via Zoom
Sundays, 9am to 10:30am Pacific
January 12, 2025 via Zoom
February 16, 2025 via Zoom
March 16, 2025 via Zoom
Here is a sample live talk from a recent satsang:
Donation Information
(Optional and appreciated!) Donate to the Creative Consciousness Foundation to support teachings, scholarships, and projects.
Small group spiritual talks on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering.
The focus will be on the Eternal Now, embodied liberation, timeless teachings of non-dual wisdom, and Divine Feminine transmission. This is an unprecedented moment in time to drop into the Present, and discover the ultimate supportive resource of unlimited Being.
Such talks and meetings are called "satsang," which means "a spiritual discourse or sacred gathering." In Sanskrit, sat means "true essence, or nature" and sang means community or gathering. There is something truly powerful about gathering together in this manner, witnessing others' inquiries, and receiving transmission of wisdom in a safe, open space where the focus is on freedom from suffering and embodied liberation.