It's DEFINITELY getting kinda hectic in here!!! I feel if I do not harness these energies they will disintegrate me....fortunately, I am an Aries and I heard it somewhere that "fortune favors the bold", so I'm going to grab some skis and ride the chairlift of destiny to the top of the mountain.... and if all this fire melts the snow I'll just body-surf it to the end.

Hope to see you Monday 😃⭐

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Yes, do come on Monday and bring that Aries female energy! 👏🏽💥💥💥💥😎

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"This is how we do it now." 😍😍😍

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I will be there! I love the pic, btw :). Thank you so much for offering this. See you Monday 🌸!

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Yes, I agree that this one is a BIG DEAL ⚡️I'll be leading an event here at Ängsbacka starting at 10:30 am your time. We'll be connected ♥️

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yes, I am in for this. Such an important eclipse, even if you have little interest in astronomy, or the cosmos, I suggest just giving one hour of time would provide you with fodder for the soul.

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