The heart is being seasoned, opened, prepared to receive a new vision and inspiration. This is the grounded, rooted center of embodied personal sovereignty.
thank you so much for downloading, writing this, Erin!! yesterday i heard a couple parts of me say "i can't take this anymore, i can't handle this"...when i sat down with them and really asked them what it was they couldn't take anymore, what they couldn't handle...what i heard was they can't handle anymore not being led by the confidence and knowing of the heart. living from the shards of conditioning taking over the driver's seat time after time after time. a despairing calling out for HEART to be the "leader". incredible to read your words today. so very affirming. thank you with all my HEART.
This was amazing. I see how the inner parenting is so needed right now! As always, I will let the first pass sink in and then read this again. I feel these energies intensifying on the! Thank you for writing, Erin :)
Thank you, Erin. It doesn't seem to have the original source there either. Would love to know where the artwork originates, but guess it's just one of those anonymous internet gems for now.
thank you so much for downloading, writing this, Erin!! yesterday i heard a couple parts of me say "i can't take this anymore, i can't handle this"...when i sat down with them and really asked them what it was they couldn't take anymore, what they couldn't handle...what i heard was they can't handle anymore not being led by the confidence and knowing of the heart. living from the shards of conditioning taking over the driver's seat time after time after time. a despairing calling out for HEART to be the "leader". incredible to read your words today. so very affirming. thank you with all my HEART.
That is truly remarkable, Sashi. I'm so glad it is a validation! I am also listening to the Heart!
This was amazing. I see how the inner parenting is so needed right now! As always, I will let the first pass sink in and then read this again. I feel these energies intensifying on the! Thank you for writing, Erin :)
Thank YOU, Jenn. I'm so glad it resonates and inspires! 💕
Hi, I would love to know where the sea goat image is from. Thank you!
Hi Bethany! I'll try to find it. Thank you for checking in as I forgot to ascribe credit on this image!
Thank you!
It's from Zodiac on Reddit. That is where I found it.
Thank you, Erin. It doesn't seem to have the original source there either. Would love to know where the artwork originates, but guess it's just one of those anonymous internet gems for now.