Can you stop?
Can you stop identifying with a cause
Can you stop identifying with peace
Can you stop identifying with war
With a personality
             a history
             a lineage
             a skin tone, a people, a family, a culture
             a gender ideology
             a nation, a land, a country, a place
             a religion, a political view
             a geography, a map
Can you stop identifying with
a personality
a point of view
a need to have one
Can you stop identifying with
a you
a me
a self
an other
What might happen if the addiction to identifying ceased
Can you stop identifying with
a side
a cause
Call off the addiction to
wrong v right
good v bad
us v them
Ukraine v Russia
U.S. v Everyone
Israel v Hamas-Gaza
Jew v Muslim
rich v poor
vaxxed v unvaxxed
left v right
What would, could, might happen
if you stopped
Can you stop identifying?
This is so loud right now. The investment we've all had in being right. Identifying with a label. May the veils keep falling away. Thank you Erin... great piece.
Yup, tired and retired.