Jupiter Enters Pisces: The Return of the Dreamer
With Jupiter’s 2022 journey through Pisces, we can expect our individual and collective psyches to start speaking to us with new potency. Pay attention; there is much magic on offer.
TONIGHT, Jupiter, planet of largesse and bounty makes a giant leap into the mystical dreamtime with his entry into the sign of Pisces, which will impact us through most of 2022.1 Jupiter is the great expander, and Pisces rules the personal and collective unconscious, including the void, dreams, and symbolic images. Over the next year, we can anticipate that our nightly journeys in Dreamland are going to be richer in every way.
Pisces brings magic and poetry and art into our lives. The mutable water sign speaks the language of soul; it is intuitive, and non-linear. When Jupiter merges into the sign of the Fishes we enter a midnight-blue, watery realm that invites the imagination to soar, to receive messages in new ways. Fully yin, the sign of Pisces says, to heck with the rational mind – I’m trusting a much deeper flow.
Jupiter was the traditional ruling planet of Pisces before Neptune’s discovery in 1846. Still an honorary ruler of Pisces, this placement serves to further invigorate Jupiter’s power, which bodes well for our spiritual lives in 2022. In addition, with the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces this spring, exact on April 12, 2022, we could call this The Year of the Dreamer.
We are likely to dream more frequently, more vividly. It’s possible a completely new dream symbolism could start revealing itself to you. It’s also likely that dreams will be a powerful new source of guidance for you, especially when more traditional means of direction seem to fall short.
Dreaming gives us the opportunity to connect to our most ancient lineages. In addition, we receive downloads as to what is really going on in the personal and collective psyche, and what is truly needed for balance and integration. In dreams, we can see the health of our own psyche, our spirit – are we on track? Is there a part of our self that feels neglected? Are we struggling in some way? We can begin to look for themes, recurring images, repeated sensations, emotions, feelings that arise. Dreams are messages that come to us in the spirit of healing. We would do well to heed their voices.
Now here I go again, I see the crystal vision
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?~ S. Nicks
Honing the Gift of Dreaming
Some of us are natural dreamers, gifted dreamers. Some are shamanic dreamers, some are broadcast dreamers, downloading major information from the collective as to the planetary dynamics of humanity or, some might say, the universe.
Some of us need to exercise our dreaming abilities, or at least hone our ability to remember our dreams. It is absolutely a skill that can be developed with practice and with intention. We can collaborate with our psyche to help us remember our dreams or to bring specific messages.
Here are a few pointers or ideas to try:
- At bedtime, deliberately ask your Psyche-Soul, and/or your Higher Power, God, Goddess, Spirit – even your very brain – to give you clear guidance in the night. Commit to yourself that you will remember your dreams.
- Ideally, give yourself the best chance to experience several thorough REM cycles of sleep, which is best done by going to bed by 9pm and being asleep by 9:30pm, 10pm at the latest. Some folks are night owls and will dream fine going to bed later; but most dream better – and rest better – by adhering to an earlier bedtime.
- Be aware of excessive use of stimulants, cannabis/THC, or alcohol, which can disrupt the sleep cycle and one’s ability to remember and work with dreams consciously.
- Keep a pen and notepad next to the bed. Keep a battery-powered candle or nightlight to see by if you wake up in the night and want to jot down a dream or a few remembered snippets. You may also like to use an audio recorder.
- Upon awakening in the morning, try not to talk to your partner, housemate, or family members before you’ve had a chance to write the dream down. Let cohabitants know in advance that you’re working with dreams. Simply say to them, “I’m in a dream,” if you bump into them while making your tea or coffee. Then, get to your journal before you have a conversation.
Dream a Little (Or Big) Dream
Whatever one’s cultural, psychological or spiritual orientation, there are many theories surrounding dreamwork. The most important thing is to plunge in. You can trust your soul to guide the way, for that is the purpose of dreams. Some travel shamanically into other realms, having actual, lucid experiences out of body in the night. Some adhere to the point of view that everything in the dream is you, even if you’re dreaming about other people. Many create their own unique language and process around dreams.
One thing is for certain, there is real power and mystery in the dreamtime, and that is for each of us to discover. That is the mystical adventure on offer here.
Bringing your dreams to your counselor, especially a spiritual or Jungian one, can be incredibly illuminating. Some thoroughly enjoy working with dreams in a group; in many cases, a group will start to dream “together,” and themes of the collective will emerge. There are so many great resources for dreamwork.2
With Jupiter’s 2022 journey through Pisces, we can expect our individual and collective psyches to start speaking to us with a new potency. Pay attention, for there is much wonder and magic to be received. You might find yourself transformed and healed in ways you could never before imagine.
Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28/29, 2021. He plunges forward into Aries on May 10, 2022, then retrogrades back into Pisces on October 28. Then, on December 8, 2022, he will make his final exit into Aries.
During the years transiting Neptune in Aquarius conjoined my Sun, Midheaven and North Node, I dreamt lucidly in a series of dreams for months at a time. I found the book Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss (1996) both supported and stimulated my dream work. What is your favorite dream book or resource?
this is soooo excitingly juicy....at last, a language i can understand. or at least one i enjoy feeling, sitting with, sensing, intuiting, listening to. hurray! thank you for these good reminders of the potency and true guidance our dreaming life is wishing to give to us. beautiful. xoxo
Thank you for this! I Iove working with my dreams. I've been noticing the potency pick up since last week, so this was enlightening as to why!!