Shadow work is the paradoxical entry point into realizing personal and collective peace. This is highlighted with the amplification of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, closely conjunct this New Moon.
I feel blessed to be able to explore my shadow within a group where we focus on allowing the feelings to be. And yes you're so right about the story. It comes in but we try and stay focused on the somatic release of shame that so often prevents us from expressing ourselves and being witnessed in our pain. Ive been in the group for eight years now and its been transformative! we all LOVE your astro BTW ;)
I feel blessed to be able to explore my shadow within a group where we focus on allowing the feelings to be. And yes you're so right about the story. It comes in but we try and stay focused on the somatic release of shame that so often prevents us from expressing ourselves and being witnessed in our pain. Ive been in the group for eight years now and its been transformative! we all LOVE your astro BTW ;)
Thank you so much, Natasha! Sounds like you are all doing great work and the Universe is so grateful. 💕
Both music vids were on point, but the Australian kids homage to TH was amazing!!! Thank you!! And thank you for wisdom & words❤️
Weren't they incredible???
Thank YOU. ❤️
Ah ha!! I knew without a SHADOW of a doubt my rage was vindicated and as usual your levity brings hope and joy.