Erin deeply bowing to your wisdom!!! You’re such a gift and a great translator of all that is truly present in our seamless worlds!

This rising I woke to a double rainbow as I was grappling with a source of pain that is kicking me in the but to change. As I begin yoga I saw the base of two rainbows … I gasped in awe… then by the time I opened my eyes 50 minutes later they had extended across the sky!

Last night I completed my final chapter and sent to my editor. I had a bolt of love and lightness when the rainbows showed up… I was feeling inner upheaval that my editor was displeased at my rewriting certain areas… per her comments … and was afraid I was failing…

as I saw my two ancestors dancing in the tumultuous sea and hanging on the rainbows! I heard them say … I’ve done good. I stuck to my inner guidance and finished!

Erin Your guidance confirms that the part of me that must change now is the place where I wanna over do and overwrite or fee I have to follow every advice and that is my low self esteem asking to be released.

I’m outing myself and calling myself towards actually seeing my worth as I am. There is grace in trusting my writing regardless what anyone says. It’s more about them than it is about me. The parts about me are that I do not have to take everything so personally. I can hear what people are offering and simply choose the parts that feel congruent and leave the rest! Blessed love!

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Feeling this one thousand percent - thank you - so helpful✨ 🙏🏼🤍

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Thank you, Leslie 🦋

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