New Year’s Day. A day people typically think of as “Fresh Start.”
I resolve to do this or that.
I intend for this to happen this year.
This. This is the year I finally (fill in the blank).
Now, one of the freebies of getting older – if one is open to receiving it – is relaxation through wisdom.
This wisdom is the natural understanding gained through living so many years on the planet. It shows us that
- Impermanence is obvious
- Change is obvious
- Death is obvious
And also that
- Powerlessness is obvious
- The lack of control is obvious
You see, Life is the greatest Teacher. Your everyday life is your guru. The evidence is right in front of you. We are inseparable from Nature. From Totality.
All of this is so obvious, isn’t it?
Maybe there’s even been a surrendering of the ego, by the ego, at this point.
Maybe there are no more resolutions.
Maybe there’s even a trust in the Great Unfolding.
Maybe some ease.
Unless the illusion of separate volition, of separate free will, of separate doership is seen through…
Unless the root of egoic identification dissolves through clear seeing of non-separation…
There is still identification, belief, and in many cases, deep existential suffering.
Perhaps one has even gotten to the point of disgust with all of the lies, false concepts, doership and more doing.
I’m not just talking about general tiredness after a long life. I am talking about deep dread, of existential angst, of suffering, of seeking. At a certain point for many, spiritual seeking becomes real suffering – very painful.
Now, return to this idea of New Year’s Day.
A new year, let’s make it happen.
Be the change.
Manifest your reality.
All of that.
I may sound like I’m mocking this, and I may be a little. I’m mocking the humor of it all – the dream character believing it’s making it all happen.
Now, in the dream play of Consciousness, the Lila, it’s true – there may be moments when it appears that your effort pays off, that you’ve done all this personal growth work, or spiritual work, and you’re now riding high – got a happy relationship, a great body, a wonderful business, a fat bank account, excellent health. You name it.
You. Are. Living. Your. Best. Life.
Yes, “your” practices and efforts may indeed seem to pay off. There could even be happy, joyful self-esteem arising. Healthy pride in good works, in esteemable acts.
“Good job, you.” You’re a great manifester. A Good Person.
The thing that people miss – and I’m talking here about spiritual seekers – people who can’t help but be on a spiritual path (because that is what’s happening) is that it is the EGO that is taking credit for all of these actions.
“my action”
“my fruits and rewards”
“my fuck-up failure”
“my entitlement (to this life, this outcome, this – fill in the blank, whatever – CONDITION.”
This is simply an egoic THOUGHT. A CONCEPT. AN IDEA.
Check it out. It’s all a thought in the mind of God, of Consciousness. It is the ego as a drop of water in the Ocean of Existence believing that it is separate from the Ocean. That it is wholly and fully and completely responsible for the outcome, positive and negative. It has been under a hypnosis and has forgotten that the Wave was already headed to a particular place in a particular manner, and the Ego is along for the ride, baby.
Now, returning to our New Year’s Day. Our fresh start, yes, ever fresh and new from moment to moment. But only with spaciousness, emptiness, timelessness.
This body-mind identified as “you” – this appearance, which the me-thought has identified with – it is going to do whatever it is uniquely programmed to do! Wherever the Ocean moves it to go.
The whole point is to relax.
Release the fantasy of making it happen. Every day is New Year’s. Every moment is ever fresh.
You never made it happen and never will.
What a fucking relief.
Join us for Satsang with Erin Reese. Teachings of Non-Duality with Intuitive Transmission. Embodied Liberation, Freedom from Suffering, Living Spontaneously, and Unconditional Peace.
“If they ask you what to do, what practices to adopt, which way of life to follow, answer: ‘Do nothing, just be.’ In being, all happens naturally.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
love this -- so liberating!