The Pisces Nodal Shift and the Collective Deflation of Ego
A deeper layer of existential depression arises for healing.
A common theme of flatness and depression has emerged in my discussions with conscious individuals over the past several weeks. No matter how wise people are, no matter if someone is normally high functioning. No matter if one is doing all the right practices. No matter if they’ve mastered the art of letting go. There is often an expression of “feeling flat” or unmotivated, perhaps even depressed. The source of this malaise often can’t be pinpointed, and this makes the whole thing seem even more depressing.
The deflation phenomenon is at least partially signified by a major shift in astrological and evolutionary tone – that of the Moon’s North Node moving into Pisces, the mutable water sign of the Fishes, on January 11, 2025. For many highly conscious individuals, such symptoms are part of a much deeper process of personal and collective awakening that involves a dissolving of egoic identification.

This shift into the Pisces-Virgo Nodal Axis carries us through the next eighteen months. More than likely, you’re already feeling it. In contrast, since July 2023, the Aries-Libra nodal axis supported us to make changes in personal identity and how we advocate for ourselves; we’ve cultivated courage and come out of old, people-pleasing, and wishy-washy behaviors that no longer serve anyone or anything.
Now we enter Pisces. The final zodiacal sign is the archetypal teacher of non-duality, oneness, non-separation, and sometimes chaos and confusion. With the North Node in this sign, as our collective compass direction, we are meant to swim toward a way of Being that is no longer identified with Ego.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with Ego; it’s a part of the life and it’s welcome to come along for the ride. But when we miss the big picture and forget that Ego is a tiny drop of water in the Infinite Ocean; when we identify with Ego and forget that it ultimately has no power to make anything happen; when we believe that a separate self-will or separate volition is running the show, there and then we experience big problems. This is suffering. I’m not talking about pain or the absence of pleasure; I’m talking about suffering. This is because the Ego is fighting against Reality, and it will never win.
Now, some folks are well on their way to surrender. Perhaps they’ve been on a spiritual or religious path for many years, perhaps they’ve simply been steamrolled enough to know they’re not in charge. Perhaps they’ve intuitively known they’re along for the ride; perhaps they have discovered that it is a much easier road if the egoic pushing and fighting and entitlement of the “me” are duly given up.
But many, or most, of humanity is hanging on, like a pit bull on someone’s leg, to that belief in separation. Perhaps they’re “living their best life” on the surface, yet underneath it all, dissatisfied and depressed from having to repeatedly buy into a lie.
I believe this transit of the Moon’s North Node into Pisces is bringing up a layer of deep existential suffering to be healed. This is enhanced with two other major players in Pisces right now: Neptune’s final degrees in its home sign of Pisces, dissolving anything and everything in its way of Oneness, and hardworking Saturn trucking along in Pisces, too, to ask us to take this seriously. Let us respond, and take a deeper look at this deflation mechanism.

As stated, in my own work as a teacher, guide, intuitive counselor, a theme has become readily apparent, even with advanced students and amongst the wisest ones: depression and flatness.
“If I’m so awake, why am I feeling so flat?” “I have surrendered my life and will to the Divine, so why am I still depressed?” “Nothing’s working, I don’t feel good, all the usual approaches are falling short.”
In light of this call for humanity to surrender its own “self-will on steroids,” shifting from an egoic orientation into a new paradigm of, for lack of a better term, awakened consciousness, I can offer two points of reflection:
This flatness, or “meh” feeling can appear as a temporary, natural arising of the awareness of “neti neti.” Neti-neti is a Sanskrit pointer stating simply “not this, not that.” There is an intuitive knowing that anything named, partial or conceptual is not the Whole Truth. This flatness, or dissatisfaction with anything separate is a common phenomenon occurring when identification with the Ego is dissolving.
The striving and seeking stop, and there is a period of deflation. There is no longer a push toward “Making Something Happen.” This goes along with what I call “The Yoga of Disgust,” a physical response to the False, to anything purporting to be The Answer, often related to spiritual teachings or self-help solutions.
There’s nothing wrong with experiencing this sort of flatness. It will change. It is normal and the most important thing to remember is that you have never been in control of any of it – that is the whole point. So leave it up to God or Totality to deal with, and be happy even if you’re feeling depressed or flat. Believe me, it’s totally possible. That’s called the End of Suffering.
Since we as individual body-minds are not separate from the Collective, from All-That-Is, it is sometimes unavoidable that we will experience what the “other” egos are going through, including their existential distress.
In Time and Space, a large section (most, perhaps) of humanity is going through a conscious or unconscious disappointment. It is as if souls know there is no such thing as ultimate separation, but the ego identification continues to hang on. This disparity is confusing and upsetting to the individual egos.
Even if you are awakened or awakening, you as a body-mind person are sometimes affected by the “dark night of the soul” experienced by others in the Collective. This is why it is important to not take it personally. It’s not yours, so to speak. Sometimes, knowing this and naming it will start to diffuse the depression or discomfort; other times, it’s simply “what’s happening” and one has to live through it. It’s part of the ride of being a body-mind. We can have total liberation in our understanding, yet we are still subject to the Totality and the phenomena arising – we are not separate.
This is all occurring in duality, of course. The more there is STOPPING and remaining in and as The Now (outside of Time), there will be RELIEF. When in doubt, stay in the present, do not move, do not follow Mind. Most of the mental pain will dissipate. In other cases, getting creative – making art, dancing, singing, writing, speaking, acknowledging it – helps to diffuse it.
The bottom line with Pisces and the call to our collective evolution is to not take it personally. This awareness feels better as it is aligning with the deeper truth that is being sought by humanity: it’s not personal, it’s not all about “me” and “my plans”; I’m a part of something much, much bigger. By bringing this into our conscious awareness and understanding, some of the depression and flatness may begin to dissipate.
Remember that these symptoms are pointers, indicators of what’s happening under the surface. Let’s use them to support our shared evolution, and perhaps experience a bit of relief as we collectively awaken to our True Nature.
How does this resonate? Let me know in the comments.
Hello Erin... bang on for me. I have been experiencing a deep sense of sorrow and a need to apologies to God this past week, because I realised 'I' just can't do it. Meaning I have seen the little 'I' Melinda is not going to be able to awaken. And it is only the Grace of God that will bring this if and when it does happen for this form in this lifetime. It has felt like depression, bottoming out, feeling flat, and no enthusiasm for my very privileged life. I've even had the thoughts lately - am I wasting it? So I reached out to a friend I feel is awake and asked her - "is this a thing that happens along the path to awakening?" And she said 'Yes'. So with that tucked under my belt and a deep sense of 'I have to surrender now', I am meeting the depression and flatness with love. And when action comes - walking in nature and creating my art. This email and the information you are sharing has come at a perfect time for me and gives me another perspective on the shift of our collective consciousness in humanity. I love how God drops the answers into my email box in ripe timing via Erin Reese. Thank you. Much love Mx
So helpful!!!! I had no idea that this weird ennui I have been feeling was greater than me or the pull of winter hibernation. Also very very important to understand what we all need to surrender to for the next 18 months. So much relief. It is not all about me! Go figure?!?