Omg I hate making bad art. Especially since I m an artist and if it’s bad it’s bad for whoever I’m

making it for. But I get it because it does feed the flow when my art is just me playing.

Mind you here’s a fun story of me at five drawing and my mum busy in the kitchen making jam or some such crazy endeavor with boiling and canning. Anyway let’s just say she was distracted and I’m like do you like this? Do you like this one and she is yes dearing me. And I’m getting more annoyed at the lackluster critique skills and inauthentic praise until

I just do this mad big huge angry scribble and when even that gets an oh that’s nice dear I look at her and scream your lying. And stomp upstairs. I access that five year old quite a lot for my art.

I’ll try and check in on the others. There’s a couple of real dream boats out there and the year of the rabbit feels like it would be a good time to do some of what they want.

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This is a fab story, Natasha. Thank you! I love your five year old, too. For me, the 2-4 year olds have to make what they want to make, with whatever materials they prefer... and sometimes, they just like to loll about and tell me allll about everything they feel, see, observe... good, bad, ugly, etc.


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reading that Rubin book now, amazing.

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He's awesome! So dropped in. The podcasts are good - I also listened to him speak on Joe Rogan, which I really dug.

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I've been feeling the impulse to paint recently, but avoided it because of exactly this pressure to produce something acceptable. Thank you for the impulse to just go for it, Erin!

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Alright, Helen! I hope it opens the gates for you.

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