Anyone feeling upset? Angry? Frustrated?
Surely not you. You’re beyond all that, right?
This short audio is for those who want to go a little deeper than the average self-help or anger management approach - those who want to get to the root of it All. Part One of Two from a non-dual satsang held January 21, 2024.
In this non-dual talk, I discuss the role of perception and identification with story, especially involving relationships.
Listen to the audio above, or on Spotify or YouTube (audio only).
Part Two coming soon!
Your comments and shares are welcome. May this talk provide relief from any and all forms of suffering.
FYI, In addition to being a writer here on Substack…
I’m a teacher in the non-dual lineage of Advaita (Sanskrit - "not two"). My own teacher was Ramesh Balsekar, himself a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj of Mumbai, India. Check out my memoir Truth Seeker for a solid background and (hopefully) enjoyable read.
For more information about attending a live satsang, click here.
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