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Thank you, Erin, for the reminder of the joy of writing letters by hand (yes on Pascal's quote!) and also the value of immersion with and appreciation of all of the beings around us. Your letters are so like the paper tomes I used to write to dear ones while traveling, back in the day when I received responses via Post Restante in places like Hong Kong and Adelaide. (Does anyone even know what that is anymore?!?) Just as you are stepping back from writing about astrology, it seems I'm diving deeper, with many requests coming in for readings. I love Kaypacha's work and will check out Candace Young, thanks for that tip. Blessings as you move into the Enneagram course with Keith and launch the third book of your trilogy...and of course, you're always welcome at Ängsbacka if you find yourself longing for birch forests and northern lights. Love, LeAnn

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