Full Moon in Gemini: A Dose of Spiritual Maturation
It’s time to grow up. What’s left when the conflict – inner or outer – dissolves?
At the dinner table1
By the way, why are you so clear that you are right and they are wrong?
It’s time to grow up
Get a little spiritual maturity going
Are you still driven by fears
Things you need to be afraid of
Things told to you by your
Are you controlled by ideas of
The illusory past
The false future
It’s a good time to get over it
Just say no to projection
(This is the ultimate form
Of spiritual protection)
Shine the light of reflection
Back to our selves
Grow up now, be wise
Stop this nonsensical kowtowing
To being liked
To being right
To being comfortable
It is a contortion after all
A distortion
I mean
Come on
It’s time
Your stories are outdated
Time to grow up kiddos
Time to see through the egoic delusion
Step into
The truth of who you are
You’re never going to “win”
With your
And names
And blames
So lame
We’re all tired of it
Especially you
Drop the story
Play your flute
Or your lute
Just jump
With or without a parachute
Into the Great Ocean
Of complete and total
Acceptance of
Self and other
This and that
Of What Is
The truth of Who You Are
Has never not been Undivided
The water’s fine
Full Moon Influences
The Great Teacher planet Saturn in nondual Pisces sits still as an unmoving sword of truth. This offers an evolutionary challenge as Saturn is in a tight 90 degree mutable t-square to the Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius.
Saturn in Pisces is asking – nay, requiring – humanity to apply deeper spiritual principles to daily living. Gemini Full Moon says, it’s about the talking you do, and the words you use, and the ideas you believe in so fervently. Sun in Sagittarius jumps in and inflates, makes it big, bigger, biggest – full of opinions, yet with access to timeless higher wisdom.
We’re not going to be let off the hook with sloppy old coveting of small self fixations and egoic identifications. At least, those who are on any evolutionary path of consciousness whatsoever.
Par exemple. The holidays have begun. Are you ready for family fun?
Can you move beyond the duality at the dinner table? Can you drop the projection of blame onto the apparent “other,” whether that be family member, political party, nation, group – whatever.
What might you be left with when the conflict – internal or external – dissolves?
Pointed and poetic, very Beat! Thanks for keeping us on track... (and taking away the track too)
On a walk, all thoughts drifted towards the earth, floating with brown crackling leafs from the oak, the apple and the plum. I laughed, Acceptance of What Is, in the Wordless Now.