Pointed and poetic, very Beat! Thanks for keeping us on track... (and taking away the track too)

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On a walk, all thoughts drifted towards the earth, floating with brown crackling leafs from the oak, the apple and the plum. I laughed, Acceptance of What Is, in the Wordless Now.

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This is beautiful, Anne. So grateful for your poetic reflections in the NOW. With love to You and Apple and Plum and Oak. Always, Erin

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Another view point - origin of the human species, protection necessary from massive beasts, other humans, development of tribes, physical protection devices set up and then formation of words (also conditioned)customs, habits, fixations flight fight or freeze, designated roles etc, I mean I am covering time and space, ( another illusion to give humans more control over life itself ) until today, so forgive the speed. We have learned to turn against ourselves (inner critic) in order to "fit in" with tribe/family. This process is truly painful, life denying, life extinction, and we suffer needlessly, lost in a manufactured sense of who we are.

So we get lost, don't trust ourselves, or others, or Life, or Love and abandon ourselves, to thoughts, stories, fixations that create right and wrong, resentments etc projecting out onto others our unresolved issues that we believe is our true reality. This creates division and separation, from others, from ourselves and from Life/Consciousness Itself. Our attention is limited to survival, and consciousness , which we are, is filtered through these seemingly fixed lenses. Until we turn inwards, not seeking the relief that we believe is outside this amazing complex body mind, we will be lost in seeking whatever we feel that we don't have from others, and their ideas of how it should be, any distraction that takes us away from Presence, from What Is, that contains it All.

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Another beautiful reflection. Thank You, Anne. Keep sharing, writing!

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"Has never not been Undivided"--triple negative which, oddly enough, equals a positive ("Undivided")--thanks for this, Erin--t'is true, time to grow (the ef) up and stop acting like little beebees!

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Ha!! Did I get it right?

Beebees. Love it.

I intended to say undivided is unchanging!


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